* Access AniList's media data.
* @since 1.0.0
* @memberof AniList
class Media {
* @description This constructor is meant for internal use and is apart of initializing. You cannot access this
* through the AniList class and are not expect to.
* @param { Utilities } utilities - The AniList Utilities class.
* @hideconstructor
constructor(utilities) {
this.util = utilities;
* Fetch an anime entry by its AniList ID.
* @param { Number } id - Required. The ID tied to the AniList entry.
* @returns { AnimeEntry }
* @since 1.0.0
anime(id) {
if (!id) {
throw new Error("Anime id is not provided!");
if (typeof id !== "number") {
throw new Error("Term provided is not a number!");
return this.util.send(
`query ($id: Int) { Media (id: $id, type: ANIME) { id idMal title { romaji english native userPreferred }
format status episodes description startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day }
season seasonYear duration countryOfOrigin isLicensed source hashtag trailer { id site }
updatedAt coverImage { large:extraLarge medium:large small:medium color }
bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore favourites
popularity trending tags { id name isMediaSpoiler } relations { nodes { id title { english native romaji userPreferred } type } }
characters { nodes { id name { english: full } } } staff { nodes { id name { english: full } } } studios { nodes { id name isAnimationStudio } }
isFavourite isAdult isLocked nextAiringEpisode { timeUntilAiring airingAt episode } airingSchedule { nodes { airingAt timeUntilAiring episode } }
trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url }
streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } rankings { rank type context year season } mediaListEntry { id status }
reviews { nodes { id score summary body } } siteUrl autoCreateForumThread modNotes
stats { scoreDistribution { score amount } statusDistribution { status amount } }
isRecommendationBlocked recommendations { nodes { mediaRecommendation { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } type } } } } }`,
{ id: id }
* [Requires Login] Favourite/Unfavourite an anime
* @param {Number} id - Required. The ID tied to the AniList entry.
* @returns {Boolean} Returns true if added, false otherwise.
* @since 1.12.0
async favouriteAnime(id) {
if (!id || typeof id !== "number") {
throw new Error("AniList ID is not provided!");
const data = await this.util.send(
`mutation ($mediaID: Int) {
ToggleFavourite(animeId: $mediaID) {
anime (page: 1, perPage: 25) {
nodes { id }
} } }`,
{ mediaID: id }
return data.ToggleFavourite.anime.nodes.some((e) => {
if (e.id === id) {
return true;
* Fetch a manga entry by its AniList ID.
* @param { Number } id - Required. The ID tied to the AniList entry.
* @returns { MangaEntry }
* @since 1.0.0
manga(id) {
if (!id) {
throw new Error("Manga id is not provided!");
if (typeof id !== "number") {
throw new Error("Term provided is not a number!");
return this.util.send(
`query ($id: Int) { Media (id: $id, type: MANGA) { id idMal title { romaji english native userPreferred }
description format status startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } chapters volumes countryOfOrigin isLicensed updatedAt
coverImage { large:extraLarge medium:large small:medium color } bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore siteUrl autoCreateForumThread modNotes
popularity trending tags { id name isMediaSpoiler } relations { nodes { id title { english native romaji userPreferred } type } }
characters { nodes { id name { english: full } } } staff { nodes { id name { english: full } } } isFavourite isAdult isLocked
trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url } rankings { rank type context year season }
mediaListEntry { id status } reviews { nodes { id score summary body } }
stats { scoreDistribution { score amount } statusDistribution { status amount } } favourites
isRecommendationBlocked recommendations { nodes { mediaRecommendation { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } type } } } } }`,
{ id: id }
* [Requires Login] Favourite/Unfavourite a manga
* @param {Number} id - Required. The ID tied to the AniList entry.
* @returns {Boolean} Returns true if added, false otherwise.
* @since 1.12.0
async favouriteManga(id) {
if (!id || typeof id !== "number") {
throw new Error("AniList ID is not provided!");
const data = await this.util.send(
`mutation ($mediaID: Int) {
ToggleFavourite(mangaId: $mediaID) {
manga (page: 1, perPage: 25) {
nodes { id }
} } }`,
{ mediaID: id }
return data.ToggleFavourite.manga.nodes.some((e) => {
if (e.id === id) {
return true;
module.exports = Media;